Our journey

Odd.Bot started out of a collaboration with the Technical University of Delft and RoboHouse in 2018. A student team of 6 worked on the first Proof of Principle during a minor in robotics, which was demonstrated in January 2019.
In May 2019, the TMI Proof of Concept Fund Flevoland gave the first funding. During the season of 2020 the first Proof of Concept was demonstrated.

In 2021 the Wageningen University & Research validated the performance of the Weed Whacker at the Farm of the Future
In 2022 the 2nd generation machine named Quirky was extensively tested.

In 2023 the first two 3-wheeler Weed Whacko robots were deployed with a Weeding as a Service offering to the first 5 farmers, keeping the fields clean for a fee per hectare.

Now, in 2024, we have the complete Maverick systems live, which consists of 2 or 3 Weader implements, autonomous weeding tooling, and a 4-wheeled carrier. Both are now being sold; as complete solution or seperate autonomous weeding tool to other OEM's and system integrators.

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One of our four Maverick systems in action in France. The 4-wheeler 0-series version which includes autonomous driving and turning. Suitable for ridges, flatfield and bed cultivation.

Weed Whacko's

The two 2023 systems in action, commercially deployed as Weeding-as-a-Service. Keeping the fields clean for a fee per hectare.

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The 3-wheeler systems from 2022 at The Farm of the Future for full validation and integration tests with Wageningen University and Research