Field Scout

We are looking for a part-timer who can improve our robot by gathering data on the field!

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Best flexible summer job!?

€15 all-in per hr
Expenses paid for

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We like to ask for your help for the collection of "training data" for our weed detection algorithm. For this we will equip you with a Citroen Kangoo Van with 'vision cart', a pushcart with a camera rig, to be driven to farmer fields.

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We have our offices and workshop at Steur.Site in Rotterdam (near Marconiplein) and a location at Lelystad. Most of the fields are in the province of Flevoland; the Flevo-polder and the North-East /Noort-Oost polder. Some fields are in Brabant and Zeeland and one in Friesland and another in Belgium.

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We like to visit the farms on a regular basis.
A typical day would be to prep the vision cart, drive to a field, try to locate it exactly with help of farmers and locals, unload the vision cart, and configure the cart to match the growth condition (e.g. ridges, beds, flat field) set the camera to set proper light and shutter speed, do a test run, or lets someone remote verify and walk on the field while shooting images from the plants. Verify the data collected and load up for another field and communicate with your colleagues remotely.

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We want you!
We will explain everything that is needed, so no programming or technical experience is needed. You will only need a drivers license.

Field Scout job application form

Feel free to leave you contact details below and we will access your fit in our company!
